About us
Mission of the MuseumWe are building a dynamic museum of the 21st century, which primarily specializes in the ancient culture of viticulture and winemaking in the Little Carpathians. We bring closer a more than fifty-five-year old tradition of collecting, researching, protecting and making accessible objects that document the diverse history of the region. We manage, among other things, the largest collection of wine presses in Europe.
The beautiful historic Renaissance house from the 17th century in the town of Pezinok has been home to the Museum since its founding in 1960. The building and the expositions underwent several renovations so that today the visitors can learn about the history in a modern way and enjoy the things they experience to the fullest. We also organize various cultural, social, educational and artistic events aimed at specific target groups.
Museum’s vision
We want to be a space of the future that presents the collections, culture and history to today’s people in an attractive way and answers questions about today's world and everyday life. Our vision is not to be a house of the past, a nostalgic open-air museum where time stands still. In addition to collecting, protecting and presenting collection items, we want to become a seek-after place where locals and tourists (even from abroad) can spend some quality time. The main goal is not to educate and force learning onto people, but instead spark interest, capture the senses and leave a positive feeling.
We are a modern and dynamic county museum that emphasizes the traditional elements of the history of today's Bratislava region - viticulture and winemaking in Pezinok and its surroundings, ceramic and Haban tradition in Stupava and the antique way of life of our ancestors who lived in around Svätý Jur – in the local museum and the future archeological park. We are sure that by combining knowledge, good marketing, original collections and interactive way of presenting knowledge through experience, we will become a respected organization in the field of regional culture as well as tourism. In addition to the above, we have the ambition to become the natural center of the regional, cultural and creative industries.
The Little Carpathian Museum in Pezinok has been under the founding authority of the Bratislava self-governing region since 2002. At present, it has four branches: the Museum of Literature and Geography in Svätý Jur, the Ferdiš Kostka Museum in Stupava, the Malinov Mansion and the Synagogue in Senec.