Malokarpatské múzeum v Pezinku currently presents two permanent exhibitions for you – 'Wine Story' and 'History of Wine Growing and Viniculture below the Little Carpathians'. We will present you with the largest collection of wine presses in Central Europe and provide you with interesting facts on wine-growing and viniculture in the Little Carpathians region. In doing so, we apply the interactive elements such as drunk driving simulators, aroma bar, bottle capping machine and other.In blending historical architecture and modern features we will guide you through two millennia of wine growing the common grape vine on our territory. To activate all your senses while learning about wine growing, you will also taste a glass of quality local wine. The exhibition takes circa 1 hour. You can use our audioguide and listening tour in english language.

Wine story
The heart of the exhibition is wine in broader terms – starting from the significance of climatic conditions through archaeological finds, viticulture administration, and architecture – all the way to turbulent events of the 20th century. You will be guided through the oldest wine-growing regions, learning about positive and negative effects of drinking wine and about several wine varieties. Finds of medieval and modern coins, which were discovered during exploration activities of the museum building, are fascinating too. References to the wine and grapes in things of everyday life and the story of winegrower Jozef Belica round up the visit of the new exhibition. It is against the autobiography of Jozef Belica that the museum premieres the history of the 20th century. The exhibition is animated, for instance, by drunk driving simulators, a presentation of four soil types in the notional vineyard, but also by interactive activities for the youngest visitors marked by a logo of children’s programs – a Little Tassel. There is also the opportunity for trying out the punishment bench, for instance, putting the archaeological findings together, inspecting valuable coins with a magnifying glass, or listening to the authentic memories of contemporary witnesses. An interesting novelty are the two opened depositories for visitors to view the art collection, historical and ethnographical collections.
History of Wine Growing and Viniculture below the Little Carpathians
We focused the cellar exhibition on presenting the history of wine growing and viniculture in the Little Carpathians region with modern interactive elements. It also includes the largest collection of wine presses in Central Europe, each of which being unique. We seek to activate your senses in the exhibition by means of light, scents, tastes and active involvement. An attraction in Slovak terms is the so-called aroma bar, which is going to test your olfactory cells. We present the visitor with the viticulture and wine growing as a significant phenomenon which has shaped not only the country's landscape but also almost all areas of human life.The exhibition in cellar rooms does also offer some interactive activities for the young visitor.